Paul Cashin Architects Trip to New London Galleries
As part of our on-going trips to award winning buildings, we have recently taken the train up from our studio in Hampshire to visit London, touring a number of new galleries completed in 2016. These included, the Design Museum by John Pawson, Tate Modern Museum Extension by Herzog and de Meuron architects, and Damien Hirst's Newport Street Gallery by Caruso St John architects.
Each of these projects has won awards for gallery and civic spaces, and each represent very different approaches to refurbishing and remodelling existing buildings for new purposes and in a contemporary and modern fashion. Some are rough and raw while others are refined and clinical, some spaces feel stark, sublime or grand while others feel warm, manic or subdued. All are interesting in their own right. The Newport Street Gallery in particular is very worthy of it's recent Stirling Prize - the staircases and 'Pharmacy 2' restaurant are fantastic spaces. Artist, Gavin Turk is currently exhibiting his sculptures and works until March 17th.
Tate Modern Extension - Herzog and de Meuron Architects
Newport Street Gallery - Caruso St John Architects
Stairway Oculus - Newport Street Gallery
Newport Street Gallery - Caruso St John Architects
Design Museum - John Pawson
Tate Modern Extension - Herzog and de Meuron Architects
View over London from the Tate Modern Extension
For examples of our contemporary architecture designs based around Hampshire please view our selected projects here, or if you would like to discuss a project please view our contact page here. Our office is located in Winchester, Hampshire, but we undertake projects across Hampshire, Dorset and the whole of Southern England.